The Certified Translation from the CTP – Colegio de Traductores del Perú (Peruvian Association of Certified Licensed Translators) is a document that has been translated from one language to another by a Certified Licensed Translator from the CTP. This type of translation must comply with the formalities set forth in the Guidelines for the Certified Translation.

Main characteristics of the Certified Translation

As you can see in the previous image, the cover page has a blue frame, the logo, the creation law, safety devices, and a correlative number. Each page has a personal stamp and the signature of the Certified Licensed Translator who made the translation. The sworn statement stamp is on the last page. With this stamp, The Certified Licensed Translator does certify the accuracy of the translation and takes responsibility as a professional translator.

The Certified Translation from the CTP can be made only by active CTP members who are duly certified in the corresponding language pair.

The Certified Licensed Translator is a graduate from a Peruvian or foreign university, holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Translation and Interpreting, and has been registered and certified by the CTP.

Types of paperwork that require Certified Translations

The Certified Translation has legal value for paperwork in Peru and abroad, such as:

  • Visa applications in the embassies
  • Biddings called by the Peruvian State
  • Administrative paperwork for public entities
  • Registration of documents at Reniec (National Identification Records)
  • Verification and acceptance of international Degrees by Sunedu (National Superintendence of Education)
  • Documents to celebrate marriages with foreigners in the Municipalities
  • Notarized documents (travel authorizations, sworn statements, powers of attorney, contracts, etc.)
  • Judicial sentences, financial statements, general balances, etc.
  • Medical certificates and reports
  • Apostille de la Haya or Legalization by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • Among others

Difference between the Certified Translation and the Official Translation

The difference is the person who is going to translate the document. While the Certified Translation is made by a Bachelor in Translation who has been certified by the CTP, the Official Translation is made by a person recorded in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as a translator. In the first case, we are talking about a professional career, while in the second case, we are talking about a position created by the Ministry and does not require a Bachelor’s Degree in Translation. Both translations have legal value in Peru and abroad.

Do not forget to ask your Translator if he/she is an active member of the CTP to be sure that your translation is going to be made by a certified professional.

  • Guidelines for the Certified Translation – Colegio de Traductores del Perú
  • Regulations of the Law for Contracting with the State N° 30225. December 10th, 2015 – OSCE
  • National Records of Degrees and Titles. March 16th, 2017 – SUNEDU

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