
Although the Official Translation and the Certified Translation vary in their presentation format, both translations have the same legal value and meet all the requirements demanded for national and international procedures. In order to understand why both types of translations coexist in the current Peruvian market, we will explain the origin of both.

Official Translation, what was its origin?

The Official Translation is carried out by a Sworn Public Translator (TPJ for its Spanish initials). The TPJ is a person who may not necessarily have studied the professional translation career but, having language skills, applied for the translator position through a public bid called by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Peru. This position was created in response to the need for translators in various languages when the translation career did not yet exist in Peru. This call has not been made for many years; therefore, there are few translators of this type to date compared to Certified Licensed Translators.

Certified Translation, how did it arise?

After the translation and interpretation university career began in Peru, the law creating the Peruvian Association of Certified Licensed Translators (CTP) emerged, an entity that houses professional translators in this country. Likewise, the figure of the Certified Licensed Translator appears, a professional who has obtained a degree in Translation and Interpretation and has become a member of the CTP. In order to issue certified translations, the translator must be an active member and be certified through an update course on CTP regulations.

Over time, there has been much confusion about which type of translation to use in relation to the type of procedure. It has been mistakenly believed that documents with apostilles or legalizations can only be translated by a TPJ; however, certified translation has no limitations and has gradually become more widely known worldwide.

In 2020, the CTP created the Digital Certified Translation (TCD), a secure PDF document with QR codes, digital signatures, the sworn statement of the Certified Licensed Translators, and the legalization by the national president of the CTP for subsequent legalization at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (if necessary). This is a more updated and modern version of a Certified Translation in physical format. It is a very practical option as the user receives the translation in the PDF format and can print it from anywhere in the world if they need it in a physical version.


For more information about these formats, please visit the following links:


If you need a certified translation in English or French, please send your document to any of the following means to receive a quote:


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